My save file will not load

TheGoatGuy shared this feedback 4 years ago


Since last night when I got off of the game I went to load my save file and was approached by an error message "An error occurred while adding one or more objects. See log file for more details" I have no clue where the log file is and what makes it strange is that I have not added any mods to my game at all.

I hope that I can still access this save file as it was my main one or at least salvage it.

Replies (1)


I have had the same problem. I am about to create my own problems since all of this began. Have you begun to experience invisible blocks, too? Now, when I try to play, even in a newly created world, some blocks are invisible, like the seat in the drop pod. When I try to place a block, it disappears. It is there, it is just invisible. I tried going into a few other game environments and different blocks just don't appear but are there. If you get close to them with the torch or grinder, it will show up and you cannot pass through the space.

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