Electrical & Fluid systems

Jamie Bristow shared this feedback 26 days ago
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The ability to override where power is preferred to go, for example if your main power source has just been destroyed and your now overloading power systems lights would be disabled then doors and the option to change the order.

Fuses so that if power systems begin to overload, fuses can stop the whole grid from losing power. These could use a similar system to the preferred power where certain fuses would pop before others.

A sort of hub where you could check power usage and a list of the current producers and consumers by order of production/ consumption and the ability to control these manually or even automatically,linking in with the first 2 ideas.

Short circuits, certain electrical blocks that aren't airtight, will cease to work when submereged or even cause a massive power loss for batteries or an explosion for reactors

Temperature, machines to control temperature as well as blocks that would produce heat or possibly consume it like reactors that need to be cooled using coolers attached nearby, different types of coolers air to air , water to water , water to air , air to water.

Mechanical block that can do more, connect electrical systems temporarily or connect water pipes temporarily.

Control for water, pipes, valves, flow inhibitors, flow limiters, pressure

Sorry about the 7 previous paragraphs I've been on this for almost two hours, and my Internet is being choppy so I'm not making multiple suggestions for things that can quite easily relate to each other.

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