Blueprint creation issue

DoIHaveTo shared this bug 33 days ago

In attached file 1, I'm selecting a rig to build a new structure.

As shown in attached file 2, the structure is built, and I'm about to create a new blueprint.

In file 3, you can see that the screenshot is not of the same structure shown in file 2. It's a different one from another save, where I tried to create a different blueprint.

File 4 shows that the new blueprint, apart from the incorrect screenshot, appears normal. However, when I try to drag the blueprint to the hotbar, the image is corrupted, and the error "Rig failed to load" appears. I am not able to place the rig afterward.

I tried experimenting to find the cause, but the bug is very inconsistent. It seems the best way to deal with it is to delete all previous save files. Once the bug reappears, I have to delete my save files again.

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I also find that to create a blueprint I can't be anywhere near any other block combinations (stations, ships etc.) or it is named after the nearest block combination, and it seems to become part of it.

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