an alternative to the 'cheating dampeners' system

John Bee shared this feedback 36 days ago
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the problem:

with the goal of helping newcomers, the current system of letting motion dampers use more than 100% of thrust is very inconsistant, unrealistic, and just doesnt feel right.

players watching their ship smash into something *because they actively tried to stop* instead of *avoiding the reverse key*, would be frustrated to say the least... especially if they're a new player and dont know why.

the idea:

instead of letting dampeners use more than 100% of thrust, let thrusters get a small scaling boost when moving more than 100m/s in the OPPOSITE direction of their thrust.

so your 'upwards' thrusters would have a SUBTLE scaling boost in power while descending rapidly. (faster than 100m/s) (assuming grid is upright)

but why?:

this achieves the goal of being a subtle helping hand to new players, and a convenience feature to experienced players, rather than an inconsistant exploit that new players wouldnt even know about.

the speed cutoff at 100m/s would let things feel more natural... and for easier development. (nobody notices rounding errors giving that extra 0.1m/s when moving at 203m/s... but every body notices it at 5m/s)

the scaling aspect (presumably about 0.1% boost per m/s above 100m/s) would allow this effect to appear and dissapear more subtly, rather than all at once.


-a ship moving downward at 257m/s would get a 15.7% boost specifically to its upward thrusters.

-a ship moving downward at 45m/s would get no boost because it is traveling below 100m/s on that axis.

-a ship on a modded server moving downward at 850m/s would get a 75% boost specifically to its upwards thrusters. (850m/s -100m/s X 0.1%

-a ship moving downward at 157m/s and leftward at 111m/s would get a 5.7% boost specifically to its upward thrusters, and a 1.1% boost to its rightward thrusters.

note: boost system should be auto shutoff when using relative motion dampeners!

note: its already in SE1 for the jetpack. i dont mind it for the jetpack, but please not for ships!

note:all directions in this post are oriented relative to grid

note:im sure the exact scale of the boost is to nobodies liking... make it a server setting or make it moddable so everyone can be happy!

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