longer wedges/slopes 1x6+ units

DELTACX10 shared this feedback 20 days ago
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I have included pictures of 2 of my vehicles from stormworks(it uses a 25cm grid but the shapes work no matter what grid size) , both locomotives, the grey uses the vanilla 1x1 1x2 and 1x4 slopes and their associated pyramids which come in 1x1 1x2 variants for each slope length, the blue locomotive uses slopes and pyramids added by a mod which includes 1x3 (which is missing from the base game) and 1x5 upto 1x16.

why is this important to se2? its because these longer wedges allow for a truly insane amount of variance in creations and almost eliminates the weird stair stepping pattern common in creations with only the standard 1 and 2 lengths available to them, it will aslo (in thoery) make interactions with water and/or crashing into the ground more dynamic based on the shape of the vehicle.

boxy vehicles like those currently possible now will smack it like a brick due to only having 90,45 and 22.5 degree surfaces whereas a vehicle made with longer wedges may just skim on the surface without much or any damage.

plus you said it yourself, you have a very creative community, imagine what they could create with longer slopes.

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