Block and Blueprint Placement Bounding Box Restrictions Changes

WishDragon shared this feedback 45 days ago
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Although blocks are now allowed to be placed inside the bounding blocks of other blocks due to the new grid and placement logic, blueprints still only check their full bounding box. In SE1 this was fine since you were only blueprinting ships, stations, or maybe wip builds, but in SE2 we are now encouraged to blueprint modules to build with, yet since blueprints still operate on convex hull logic then concave features or connecting points that don't align with the outermost bounding box won't work as modules. For example, if you make a diagonal hallway, you couldn't make a fully diagonal segment because the bounding box restriction will prevent you from placing diagonal pieces next to each other.

Certain blocks like wedges and corner pieces at 2.5m and 50 cm also use a 50 cm bounding box placement logic, despite the 25 cm grid. Although it doesn't feel great on either size block, relative to their total size 2.5m blocks using 50cm collision feels less limiting than the 50cm cubes using the same logic.

Ideally, it would be nice if blueprints could be "force placed" where it would check block bounding logic instead of the full size of the blueprint bounding box. It would also be nice if block placement restrictions used the 25 cm grid, however that's far less a problem when it comes to building restrictions than the blueprint restrictions given their new modular nature.

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