Undo is unable to repair a split grid. Please enable undo on grid split.

Tredstone shared this bug 25 days ago

I am free hand building and accidentally split my grid into 2 sections because it's just right click delete. Undo is not able to fix it and it clears the undo/redo history when it fails.

Is it possible to enable undo to repair a split grid especially if it's the very last action?

Replies (1)


This isn't a bug, this is intentional behaviour, this should be under feedback as a feature request.

I also doubt what you are asking for is possible, when you split the grid you create a new entity with its own data which is why the undo/redo is 'cleared'.


There should be no problem if Command has a list of separated blocks and reference to generated entity.

  • Undo would delete generated entity, add removed and split blocks to the original.
  • Redo would generate the entity again (with same identity if possible, to make it relevant for redo system) and again remove split / deleted parts.

Agreed that it's a feedback, feature request.

It could also instead of storing a list of separated blocks, simply Cut separated Entity and Paste it back onto the original after re-adding removed blocks.


How would it decide which grid is the main? How would it handle changes made to the offshoot before undoing on the main grid?

I'm sure I could make use of it if it happened but I just don't think the effort would be worth it for them when we can just cut and paste the detached section back on.

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