Shift-Select not working correctly in K menu for block groups

Simon Kendrick shared this bug 44 days ago

Steps to reproduce

Enter Blue Miner

Select first Ion thruster 1m

Hold Shift

Scroll to last Ion thruster 1m

Select last Ion Thruster 1m

whole selection does not highlight ready to group.

You can select them all by holding CTRL and selecting each thruster, and you can select all thrusters that are visible in the scroll window before it moves (so up to 18 Items), but if you scroll the window with shift held down to try to add more to selection, the original selection will be discarded

As a side note, you also at this stage don't seem to be able to add more blocks to a group without first ungrouping all of the items in a group first

Replies (4)


The issue from what I've observed is somehow related to the first selected item being off-screen when you scroll down... As soon as the first item is no longer visible when scrolling, shift-clicking doesn't work.


Its just not working for me. try selecting multiple Grav Gens and it doesn't do anything. as i post this it comes back how odd.


Also can't select items off-screen by clicking on the group without the use of the ctrl select


Hello Simon,

Thank you for reaching our forum. We are already aware of this issue and have an internal ticket for it.

For now, we will add this thread to our internal ticket (SE2-18826).

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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