Power Node Block - Method to Segregate Powered Devices

Bradley Johnson shared this feedback 55 days ago
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It would be very useful to have some kind of Power Node block that could allow the player to create power networks and attach specific equipment to them.

Power nodes are an optional component, but can allow players to prevent overloads on their grids by splitting power up onto multiple networks. Players can still build functional ships without the use of power nodes.

Basically, a Power Node would be an advanced power management device that allows the player to create a selectable network. In the Power Node's terminal, there are a few options:

  • Node name - Name of the Power Node that will appear in node selection dropdowns.
  • Breaker Test/Reset (power on/off) - Allows you to manually trip a breaker or reset it. Tripped nodes do not supply power to attached devices.
  • Priority (dropdown?) - A set of priority modes for the node. Similarly to Priority Switches in Satisfactory, priority 1 would be the last to fail from an overload event. Priority 7 would trip before 6 and so on. Child nodes will trip before their parent node.
  • Automatic reset (dropdown) - Allows resetting the breaker automatically.
    - Disabled - Disables automatic resetting.
    - Timer - Attempts to reset the node after a delay if the ship is no longer overloaded.
    - Power Output - Set how much power (in kW) is required to be available before the node resets.
    - Power Output (%) - Same as above, but percentage-based instead.
  • Output Power (dropdown) - Allows limiting the power output of a node.
    - All - Simply outputs all available power.
    - Limit - Limits the output of the node (in kW).
    - Limit (%) - Limits the output of the node based on a percentage of the input power.
  • Exceed Limit Trips Node - This is an option to enable tripping the node upon exceeding the configured power limit. This option is grayed out when output limit is not enabled.
  • Powered Devices list - Allows you to quickly see which devices are attached to the node. There should be an option to open a dialog to select devices to add to the list.
  • Power Sources list - Allows the player to see which power devices are powering the node (can also accept power from another node making it a sub-network which could also help organize power generation systems) There should be an option to open a dialog to select devices to add to the list. Connectors should also be considered a selectable source for Power Nodes, allowing nodes to transfer power to or from connected grids.
  • Trip Reset Action - Allows configuring actions for when the node trips or is reset.

For powered devices, they'd have an option to select a node source. By default, the device would use the global network. Only one device can be selected. For multiple sources, the engineer should elect to use a node to combine power sources if necessary.

For power generating devices, they have an option to select a Power Node. By default, they output to the global network. Multiple nodes can be selected including the default global network.

For power storage devices (i,e,: batteries), they have the option to select power source nodes/devices and power output nodes/devices. By default, they accept and share power on the default global power network.

Timer blocks and other components can turn nodes on or off through actions.

Power Relay Switch - This is a device that can provide a visual representation of a power node block anywhere in the ship. It can be used to reset and toggle a power node on or off by interacting with it. While a relay switch can only control one node, multiple relay switches can control the same node. All relay switches will be synced to the node's state.

Switches should have a physical label on them that can be modified in their terminal screen. This should either be a physical label or E-Ink display to allow the text to be read even without power present to the node the switch controls.

Switches should have a couple indicator lights: A red indicator for tripped, and a green indicator for power flowing. If there is no power to the input of the power node, all indicators on the switch should turn off to communicate that the node has no power. The player can still see the state of the node by looking at the mechanical component of the switch.

Some applications include:

  • Emergency power network that only powers critical devices, doors and lights.
  • Maintaining power to critical systems and automatically shedding load from non-critical systems when there is not enough power.
  • Enabling the player to quickly and easily disable power to entire systems or sections of a base/ship. (This could be done with a group, however one difference is that toggling a group through an action on a toolbar or button will invert the current state of all blocks in the group. Some items in a group might be in the wrong state and don't' sync with others upon toggling. Here, only the node is toggled).
  • Players can use switches to create breaker rooms.
  • Trigger alarms and indicators when systems loose power.

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