SE2 Bug naming blocks or block groups in "k" menu causes freeze

Can8ian shared this bug 24 days ago

When naming blocks or block groups in the "k" menu, the screen often freezes if the backspace key is used. I have been able to avoid this bug by dragging the mouse cursor over the text to highlight it then typing the desired name. If I try to backspace to erase the old name the screen often freezes. The game does not recover and screen stays frozen until I end the process and reload. Music continues to play while the screen is frozen but input seems to not get through so the game might still be running normally, but input is not getting through.

Replies (1)


I have this same bug,

When renaming block groups, renaming blueprints or editing the blueprint descriptions, the game will crash if using Backspace. although I have found it to be somewhat inconsistent, occasionally allowing backspace to function.

The game freezes, but you can still hear sound, and see thruster effects moving in the background for a minute or two.

When tabbing out the game disappears, you can still hear it but it is not visible as a window/nor on the taskbar.

and you are forced to kill it through task manager.

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