Blueprint in hand slot

WitheredNeko shared this bug 29 days ago

Not entirely sure how it happened, but I managed to put a blueprint into the empty hand slot and I'm now unable to remove it. Because of this, sometimes when I try to remove blocks, instead of deleting the block, it instead will switch to this blueprint.

Replies (1)


Hello engineer,

Thank you for reaching our forum. We are already aware of this issue and have an internal ticket for it.

For now, we will add this thread to our internal ticket (SE2-21369).

As a workaround, you can unassign the blueprint from the empty-hand slot by opening the Blueprints screen (Shift+G) and right-mouse-button (RMB) clicking on the slot. This will remove the assigned blueprint from the slot.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department

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