Put some uranium in Inferno sections of Planets

Ryukki shared this feedback 6 years ago

There seem to be a lot of backlash about uranium being COMPLETELY remove from Earthlike. I suggest a small compromise of moving some or whatever amount of uranium into the inferno section of the planet and keeping how it is in space. So players can actually experience the inferno temperature and the fun of building deep mine shafts without going back and fourth between space and planets. I feel like uranium in the inferno section should be a enough of a challenge to mine due to the heat and how mining accidents happen sometimes on planets. I have lots of experience of mining underground but I would love a reason to go deeper and risk burning...

Also I made a suggestion for temperature effect on the hud/overlay


Replies (3)


I can probably live with it (with this suggestion i mean)


limit it to one area and there would be a rush by speed level players to mine it all out. Would be a mess


We are talking about the massive area of the planet underground, I doubt anyone going to dig and steal all the ore down there plus I said it can exist in space like how it is too. Relying on the power of hydrogen/batteries will make this risky but fun I believe. Compared to the slow grind of traveling between the Planet and space just to get uranium which exist in our planet in real life.

Also if a speed level player wanted to do that, wouldn't they just spawn in space and get everything they need.


I didn't even know there was a molten core in the game planets. Never been able to be in a game long enough to dig that deep.


I think they should make uranium be deep underground. Aside from the fact that it makes much more sense, it doesn't force people who want to stay on the planet to leave the planet. Plus it would give people a reason to dig complex mines deep underground and probably also encourage underground bases more than a few meters underground. I'm talking very small pockets of uranium 50 to 100 meters underground, bigger pockets 100 to 500 meters underground, and large veins of uranium 500 meters deep and further. With the new heat mechanic, things would get interesting. In ways, it may be harder than getting to space to mine. I think it should be in space too, but it should be only located on some asteroids.


If Keen doesn't put uranium deep underground I'll be very sad and forced to use a mod like Deep Ores to do it for me. It was both fun and challenging to live off solar power while I dug holes 1000m down with a mining ship to scout for uranium. However, that should not be the way to fix that, "just get a mod" is not a widely accepted solution.

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