[Public Test] Survival Kit

Inigmatus shared this feedback 6 years ago

Please call the new Survival Kit "Medical Bay" and don't give it respawn capabilities (only initial spawn). Create a separate Survival Kit that is the size of a small grid Medium Cargo Container, with medical components, bottles, tools, and parts required to build a small grid Large Battery, and a Basic Furnace. Players should be able to grind down the Basic Furnace and convert it into an Assembler or an O2/H2 Generator to refill bottles as needed. With ores mined and processed in the Basic Furnace, and medical parts from the kit, a player should then be able to assemble parts to make a Medical Bay. Any parts that can't be assembled to reach that point should be included in the Survival Kit. Once a player has these items, they are self sufficient and can mine to refine and assemble parts to make a refinery, and then on to greatness. No scavenging required. Please see https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1581271191 for a tested concept concerning this. Furthermore, a scenario that teaches players how to use this kit should be included in the game. I'd be happy to help.

Replies (2)


Edit: In short, my feedback is to rename the small grid Survival Kit to Medical Kit, and rename the large grid Survival Kit to Medical Bay. Both should have an integrated battery power source. Both should only provide initial spawn-in, no respawn. This keeps the large grid Medical Room relevant with its advantage of providing respawns. The Medical Kit should allow heals, while the Medical Bay should also allow air and hydrogen when connected to an O2/H2 gen. Finally, provide an actual Survival Kit that is just a Medium Cargo Container with parts inside to make an advanced rotor, control panel, Medical Kit, small grid O2/H2 Generator, a small grid Basic Refinery, a single O2 bottle, a single H2 bottle, and 5 or so steel plates. That's it. The Basic Refinery should be able to be ground down and converted into a Basic Assembler. From there a player mines to make parts for a large Refinery and a large Assembler, after which the sky is the limit.


It must have respawn capabilities as it's supposed to be a starter block and most people do not like permadeath ;)


It's not permadeath if dead players can simply reload an automatic save of their game or spawn in another respawn ship. Removing respawn capabilities from anything but a Medical Room keeps the danger real and engaging and keeps the Medical Room as a desired end goal when it comes to survivability.

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