Shortcut (L2) to switch between grinder and build mode is bugged

Tommy Johnson shared this bug 21 months ago

Hi Keen team, so the shortcut to quick switch to your grinder with L2 when in build mode works but pressing L2 again to switch back to build mode with the last item you had out does not.

It's incredibly frustrating for us PS5 players as you have also declined to give us a tool/hotbar like with K&B so it often means having to scroll through many sections/menu's on the wheel constantly.

The control section as well as one of the load screen tool tips tell you that you should be able to do this so unless i am missing something i guess it is a bug?

While this is being discussed i would also like to add that having the same feature for your welder would also be a great addition for console users

Replies (1)


Hello Engineer,

We're aware of the issue. We've added your report to our internal ticket. We will update it when we have more information.

Kind regards

Keen Software House


Good stuff, appreciate the reply thanks

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