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Console Feedback ps4

Drew Porter shared this feedback 20 months ago
Not Enough Votes

Loving the game. A few things that would be an easy of life is allowing us to assign weapons in ships and vehicles to the triggers L2 or R2 it is really awkward to be hitting the d pad to fire all the time. Rolling is also awkward roll would work better on the sticks. Other than those things so far loving it everything I wanted in a space game has me putting down no man's sky and elite dangerous <- on fdev game you put them to shame in my opinion with the reasoning for them abandoning consoles.

Replies (1)


Hey Drew,

As far as firing weapons from a ship/rover, when you go to assign the weapons/drill to your tool bar, take them from the block tools and not all blocks tab, then you can use the D pad once to select different weapons and the use R2/L2 to fire the weapon. Saw this in an Xbox video, but have not tried it yet.

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