Texture issues in Playstation 5

McGamb shared this bug 21 months ago

Texture seems not to load properly.

Got a magenta pane on the Spotlight from the distance. And the Texture seems to wash Out Sometimes.

Replies (7)



Thank you for participating in our PlayStation Beta for Space Engineers.

Textures are downgraded depending on how big the world you're playing in is. This is intended for performance reasons.

We are looking into ways of improving the performance in the future.

Kind Regards,

Keen Software House


When i create a smaller world i have the same texture problems. And at 80.000 pcu it Starts langging and sometimes Crashs .


This post is 17 months old and still the same issue with washed out textures on large grid blocks, same thing happens with ore deposits. Not a happy customer.


ok but the Spotlight seems not be be downgraded.

but would be nice If we can use the paid skins in the feature.

its realy a littlebit weird, build and Cut a block make the skin visible and just standing still downgraded the texture


For the downgraded Texture it seems to only effect large grid.

and funny Thing If you have the washed out signs, If you place rotor and a small grid sign behind a Wall, all large grid signs will be visible without any downgrades near the smal grid...

i can now also say the Texture of the big block ist normaly visible, for a short time, after i grind the small grid block in the near surroundings


Just make a new test series, and small grid also affected. but it seems the mostly used Texture from my main base got lesser problems in the Test as the Rest.

i build a small and large grid hybrid with a Rotor and Just collored the light amor Blocks. as a previous Test with light and heavy Amor (because someone mentioned only the problems in light and heavy works fine) did not show any differences. its outside the Render range of any other grid.


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for your comprehensive analysis.

Would you be able to publish this world to mod.io and share a link?

Kind regards,

Keen Software House



i do not know how.

i Play and Test in a Server rent by Nitrado.

Specs are for 10 people(just to get more ressources) with max concurrent Player of 3 but 95% of the time i play alone in this Server.

i tried my Test konstellation on a local world, and also got the Texture outwashing


maybe this blueprint ist enough? or do you need more.


tested a Lone survivor scenario, small grid seems better. but large grid same Problem with the blueprint


I get the full upgrade of this game on PS5. I Think it was 60€?! The graphic is horrible. The game is awesome but that bug... I think the PS5 is powerful enough, other games in 4K is no problem... I tried to play it on my Mac (M3) but there is no version for MacOS, just for Windows........ Any idea what I can do? Or should I wait for Update to fix that issue? And will Space Engineers2 be playable on MacOS?


Experience the same issue on PS5. Mainly on large grid as stated above. Affect more or less all skins/colors as well.


I notice it on any block where a texture is stretched over a none-square surface. Very much seems like the stretching tool in the game is having issues scaleing images.

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