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Several bugged trophies on PS5

chilly_schrimp shared this bug 20 months ago

Trophies that are not being tracked correctly on the PS5 version of the game:

Explorer: stuck at 50%, unable to check which planets and moons that have been counted.

Lost in space: does not work at all even after several hours ”alone”, works on ps4 so there is something wrong specifically with the ps5 version.

Master engineer: stuck at 2% eventhough I have well over 50 hours played. A friend of mine is stuck at 2% as well and he has over 70 hours played.

Replies (5)


I tried something on a secondary account for the Explorer trophy.

1. Started a custom game on earth planet, survival. Trophy progess went up to 12,5%

2. Saved and quit.

3. Started a custom game on mars planet, survival. Trophy progress went up to 50%.

So there is something weird going one since I only visited 2 planets but the progress went up to 50% and now it’s stuck on 50%.


Hello Engineer!

Thank you for participating in our PlayStation Space Engineers Beta.

We're aware of the issue with the Explorer trophy. We'll add your report to our internal system. We will update this thread when we know more.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Any update on a fix for the trophies I listed?

Currently noone has been able to get those trophies for the PS5 version.


IO have tr same issue withe the trophies : Explorer (stuck at 50%)/ The bigger they are (stuck at 24%)/ The harder thay fall ( stuck at 44%) & Master engineers (Stuck at 3%)


Hello Engineer!

Thank you for participating in our PlayStation Space Engineers Beta.

Could you please tell us if you've been playing on Creative, Survival or Survival with Creative Tools? That can affect The Bigger They Are and The Harder They Fall achievements

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


i've been playing in normal survival without the creative tools.

When i start a new save i get a few percent on the bigger they are and the harder they fall but they stop progressing as sool as i save&quit andf reload my save.

as forr the other trophies, they haven't moved since i saved & quit on my initial save on release day

and theLost in space trophie doens't register at all ( not on private dedicated server, not on official mp server)

With kind regards


@Keen S

Any update on a fix for the trophies I listed?

Currently noone has been able to get those trophies for the PS5 version.


Hello Engineers,

this issue should be fixed in the latest available version 202.124.

Please let us know if it is indeed fixed on your side.

Kind regards

Keen Software House


Any suggestion on how to test for example the Explorer trophy when I’m on 50%?

I’ve tried spawning on all planets and moons but the progression is still stuck at 50%.

Do I have to travel to and from each planet and moon?

Edit: I deleted all my saves and started a new survival on each planet and moon and got the trophy! So I guess any save you have from before the latest fix are ”glitched” so you have to start from scratch.


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for letting us know.

Kind regards

Keen Software House

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