This object is in archive! 

"There is not enough space for the operation. Please, remove some saved games or blueprints..."

Aaron Ward shared this bug 21 months ago

I started getting this error and I am unsure as to what is causing it and why. I deleted all saved games, blueprints and did a clean install. issue still persists. I'm not sure what to do from here.

Replies (90)



Thank you for contacting us. Since this is a bug report, I'm moving your ticket to our support page, where our QA team will take care of you.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Hello Engineer,

Have you tried using Playstation tools to remove some of the saved data? It's in the Settings/Storage/Saved Data. Please try and let us know if it helps.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Hello Engineer,

We've managed to reproduce the issue on our side. We've added it to our internal system. We will update this thread when we know more.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


An update on this literally gamebreaking issue would be great.

A quick search shows its an issu that existed for pc since at least as far back as 2018.

Considering the lack of quality for the nitrado servers, offline is quite literally the only reasonably stable experience right now.

Not to mention, I can't even access the *extra* content I paid *more* for due to not even being able to start a new scenario.

Never mind not even being able to save blueprints, a core feature.


Hey keen this issue is still not fixed any updates on a work around or a patch to the bug

It happened to my group last night and it is no good we are really enjoying play this on ps5 and would love to be able to keep making progress


I started having the same issue yesterday. I deleted some save files and blueprints but it did not help.

When I checked the save file size on the PS5 console and cloud storage it is more than 1GB in size.


It’s the same for me a fix would be awesome right about now!


Still an ongoing issue. Submitted a ticket and no response. This needs to be addressed and fixed. I'd like to be able to enjoy the content I purchased.


I'm having the same problem


Has this bin going on for 7 days now


And 11 vots


12 vote same issue now I can't do nothing


Getting this as well I can no longer play


I've got the same problem and my it also says my BP list is full


HI, I am also experiencing this issue since yesterday. I was playing the "learn to Suvive" Scenario and at some point I got this message for the forst time.

Now I can load one of the 2 remaining savegames, but saving is not possible (sometimes without any message). As the message appeared for the first time I removed more and more of my saves, but this did not help at all!

I also tried to re-install the game, but this also did not help.

In addition to not being able to continue playing that scenario I also can not start one of the others! The only thing, that currently seem to work is joining a server and here, it seems, that G-Portal Servers are more stable than those of Nitrado...

I hope this help and we get a solution as fast as possible...


You should be able to delete your saved data and start again at least that’s what I did


Pretty messed up thread is now 8 days old and no patch I am pretty sure most of us spent 70 bucks on this game also u only have 30 days to get a refund for the game and about third of that time none of us can play keen is horrible about communicating what is going on and what they are doing about it


Come on now its bin 8 days fix it plz fix it fix it fix it


This bug is game breaking i can't even make a new game or save my work not even bps


Any idea how I go about getting a refund for the game I'm really thinking about it I can deal with minor bugs and what not but this issue makes the game completely unplayable and the have left it this way for 9 days now me and the 70 dollars I spent on this game says the is vary unreasonable even know o do like the game when it did work but keen is leaving us with no news no update no im sorry for the inconvenience or anything so I'm tired wait considering we only get 30 days to do a return and they now have use 3rd of that time with the game not working heck when I pre-order off of playstation it said nothing about it being a beta game I am not genipig when there are game test who gets paid for this crap yet instead we pay keen for not even a full functioning game. No thanks I've had enough


Ya in progress about time thank you keen 🙏 please God of clang fix it fast


Update did nothing to help


I was able to load some scenarios still no BP function and saved data still not loading or recording


I just can't save my game I can load in just can't save anymore


I saved it to the clowd and then delete it fro my hard drive it werked but i got to start agane and upload my BP to before delete of hardwire




Not a fix Rob. But as of tonight an update was put out that seems to have fixed the issue without losing all of your data. Testing is needed


Außerdem habe ich bisher immer noch das Problem das ich nicht speichern kann


Promise it's not fixed and now we have to wait another full week for them to try to fix it


This is correct. You can start new games but still not save. This is ridiculous. I have over 100gigs free on my console storage and an external hard drive as well but we're locked at 1.08 and as soon as you reach it it breaks the game???


Me too, only one survival world which is 605MB on PS5 storage and only 0.5MB in game.


This is really sad


Started over auto saves off get base going and bam can’t perform the operation. The patch did NOT help at all in this regard. Devs if you read and it helps… both my save data started this right around 16k pcu on ps5 but once that happens cant save although I can create new games. I’m not starting over again until this is fixed kinda sucks


Having the same issue, can't save any saved files and both internal and external storage is only half full. Tried reinstalling, deleted all saves except main world, uploading to cloud and deleting console data. But nothing works. Makes the game unplayable.


I just now started getting this issue aswel, I have a Total of 4 save games of which three are over 2.0 mbs. I am playing on ps5, this error occured first play session after buying Some of the dlc’s.

I sincerely hope you will be able to resolve this issue.


I had to delete all my save data on the ps5 AND cloud to get it to work again, at least for now, thank God I waisted a whole week playing this game... don't forget guys, it's in "beta" (games been out for like 10 years)


Same twice I got a dedicated server and uploaded my save to mod io then installed it on the server :)


It is still doing it I hit 3.1mb this time now i carnt save agane


I got this message on the PS5 but there wasn’t anything for me to delete I only have 1 save, no blueprints, and no backups also my world save is only 2.0 MB. So I’m forced to stop playing my solo world until this is fix.


I now also have the same error message and can not save, so I can no longer play. Maybe a fix in 12 days, oh it’s been 12 days…


May not be exactly the problem, but I loaded up as many workshop blueprints humanly possible and got consecutive save game Errors, I removed them an it seems to fix the problem entirely, while I checked the saved game data I've noticed that it always hit 599.6mb and cough out entirely, but when it's at 100mb it works perfectly fine, I'm using a 1100 Model Playstation 5, this seems to be a problem for playstations in general, but there's games that overcome it like Minecraft and some other games completely different that have the same problem, like Fallout 4, Incase you have the problem upload your save data and delete the one on your console, might be best to wait out till keen can fix the issue I reckon.


It's still doing it


We are having the same issue, the message shows 1 time when it saves and it never shows again when autosave or you save later manually so we thought the issue was gone but it never saved all the work during the session with no other warnings. Save game was 700mb and there is only 1 file and instructions are not apparent how to resolve the issue.


When will the next update be


I just got an update and it did nuthing for me


I'm on 1.000.006 now


After the newest “update” this bug is still happening to me.


After a while with this bug I deleted the game and reinstalled to see what will happened and now it says “An error occurred while loading the world. The world may be corrupted and can’t be loaded. Please, restart the game and try again.”


Hello Engineers,

Thank you for participating in our PlayStation Beta for Space Engineers.

Please try the following steps:

1) Update to the latest version

2) Upload any saves and blueprints you wish to keep to

3) Delete all Saved Data. That includes Console Storage and Cloud Storage

4) Restart the game

Please let us know if these steps have helped with the issue.

To reiterate, we can confirm that the current save data limit is at 1.08Gb. This is intended and is a PlayStation requirement.

To reduce the size of your saves you can disable the backup function by setting the backup value to zero in the Advanced World Settings.

We also recommend creating multiple saves just in case.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


It helped, but it doesn't solve the problem. please fix at least the basics of the "ability to save the game"


This solution worked for us. Thanks for the support.


Good to know it's the back ups causing part of the issue, and it's a simple solution considering the back up feature doesn't work anyway.


So basically there is no patch fixing this, and instead we need to delete our saves to play until we will be stuck here again?


export to, deletion of all saves in both console and cloud, deactivation of cloud synch, re-import of world from and disable of backups seems to do the trick, however inability to successfully Save the progress WITHOUT these steps is a serious issue


Error …There is not enough space for the operation, please, remove some saved games or blueprints.

Console saved data is at 768.2mb and there is only one save, so removing addition saves is not possible.

I also get in the main menu before loading the game that no backup file can be found.

I have no mods, one save and no backup file for ps5.

Why would I buy additional dlc’s with the current state of this game?

Why is the current data save limit so low? There is no way to play this game to it’s full potential with such a low limit.


I’m having all the same issues as those above but wanted to add: I’ve been through all the menus on ps5 version and can’t find the ‘advanced world settings’ to turn off the auto backups? So, even if I did delete my save data file (858MB) and start over, I’ll get to a similar point and it’ll happen again? We need a fix not a workaround please.


Hey man quick tip, You can find advanced world options by pressing load game on the main menu. Then You have to pick your save game and pres square, after which You’l need to pres triangle and then youre in the advanced setting menu. al You have to do now is find the options You want to change. Hope I was of help.


Thanks, that did help!


I deleted all saved data and turned backups to zero with autosave off. Keeping an eye on game save data on console/cloud, but seems to be saving fine now.


There is even a problem in the deletion of the backups. I checked the storage on PS5 to avoid errors. I play and have 2 worlds and 3 blueprints for 137.2MB. Then I create 3 new pre-existing worlds, like Red Ship for 248.0 MB, to be able to inspire me and see what is possible. Then I delete this 3 new backup but I stay at 248.0 MB. So I redo the manipulation with and download my two original words, knowing that the 3 blueprints are no longer on the local storage, and that these 2 backups are only 39.46 MB in storage, after 2 manuals saves and 30 mins of play in each world. (backup function is disabled)


Yes this game is terribly optimised, but that is to be expected from a game in beta. Its however not supposed to be this bad I think, like most of us cant even play it or have a limited experience. I mean I only have 1 save game and 1 blueprint and apperently that uses more storage then my minecraft and gta v save games combined, in which games I both have way more hours.


Hello Engineers,

Our developers have asked for the logs, could you please submit them?

To send logs, you can follow those steps:

  1. Reproduce the issue and exit to the Main Menu
  2. Press triangle on gamepad or F1 on keyboard in the Main Menu or Pause Menu to open Help screen
  3. Open section Report issue
  4. Fill up email address (please use email associated with your profile on this forum) and description (please put "Memory Issue Report" in this field)
  5. Press ‘Send report’ to send it

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


In the PlayStation in the saved game area it has an almost 700mb file but the actual saved games when looking at load games are only 10-20 mb so I am guessing that each save game stores inside the 1 file on PlayStation making it grow to be that large and also causing issues where individuals say that once they get this error it prevents moving forward on all games unless they push up the saves to io remove the file from local storage and pull save back down. I think what would be better is creating a folder and keeping the save games separate on PlayStation instead of creating 1 large file. This may resolve the issue people are seeing.


Had this issue twitch on the PS5 in 80 hours, i decided to press options prior to deleteing my word save on the load save screen and found i can publish a world to the workshop. I then deleted my cloud save and console storage so i had nothing locally, i then booted up to the main menu, hit start, new game, workshop, found my world loaded it an then used "save as" and since then i have been able to continue with the same file and use blueprints again. To anyone else having the issue and really wanting to try and continue playing you may wish to try this for yourselves. My save file is now almost 70k pcu and almost no issues to show for it running experimental mode. Good luck o7


This worked for me. Even after the update that was supposed to fix this I got that error. After following your steps/guidance I am able to play again. I don’t know for how long lol but at least I can continue.

Just a shame I can only upload 1 world because I have two worlds that I don’t want to lose. FYI I did not delete my cloud save and this method still worked.

I really enjoy this game and hope they fix this soon because I want different save files. One for creative and one for a vanilla game.


This is still an issue today 5/31/23. I only have two save files. Both auto saves are disabled and I disabled the 5 back up save feature for both. It’s only been 1 day since this was supposed to be fixed and IT IS NOT FIXED.


Interesting information.

So I published my world to then deleted in game save and save data on console and on cloud. Down loaded world from workshop and did a save as, same world save data on console was 768.2 mb and no longer able to save, now the same world that is able to save is only 10.5 mb in console save data.


I got this error this afternoon .. devastated me .. I lost hours of play , there’s no reason I should be out of memory .. but have one save game 1.2mb .. but the save file in my PlayStation storage says 1.2g .. I’m not sure how that’s possible ..I really hope this is fixable .. I fn love this game ..


Same with me and a friend, both our games won't save anymore after some basic building on earth. Makes the game completely unplayable sadly.


Hello Engineers,

We're currently investigating the issue. We can recommend using publishing saved games to to retain them and then deleting the whole saved data as a temporary solution.

We can confirm that the limit for game's saved data is 1.08Gb. It is intentional and a PlayStation requirement.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


Will this allow us to temporarily save our games or do we have to upload them and then download them everything


Can more than 1 save file be uploaded to ? When I tried to save a second file it only gave me the option to overwrite the original.


I've just got an update an still no change


It's bin 22 days now I have played For 6 of them and i have payed for a game and get a bata we have had 7 updated now and still I carnt play. wat a game sorry wat a beta


I Just deleted a few weeks of progress because of this bug. I started a new world got a few days in and same thing started happening. Weird thing i noticed my new game file in game says 0.5mb but my console storage is showing that file to be almost a gig in size. I deleted all save files and re DL the game several times before this so idk why the file size numbers are different from game to console. I would asume by this the problem might be the save files are stacking instead of replacing some how? Not sure but at this point i really want a refund, grinding out the slow painful begining over and over again is not fun.


Is the problem recurring even AFTER the transfer to


whats and how do i do that? Is that something you can do on console?


When you go to your world via (Load World) select publish, and it’ll publish it to the workshop. Go to new world and select custom, open the workshop (indicated by buttons shown below) and find you world


ok thank you, i will try that.


Did it work?


It Did! Kinda regreting deleting my first world now, sad face. But theirs new hope now. Cheers mate.


Glad it helped ✌


Never mind, worked for a bit and now back to the same problems, no more saving or accessing for me :(


I’ve had this game breaking bug before and it’s a pain. I’ve followed this temporary fix and it does in fact work. When you upload it to it will have the same name as the world. Go to new game, workshop, and select it. It will then ask if you wish to overwrite and click yes. I was then able to save it and continue playing this game finally. I hope this helps some of you


Seriously, how do we get a refund for this?


I wonder the same thing


Maybe they should ask hellogames for help. No man's sky at least unfucks massive issues like this in short order.


Haha very true do, ive had no mans sky since launch


Got home from work, PS5 let me know the game was updated. Been playing many hours on my first play. Bam. Hit with this game stopping issue. Come on! We deserve a fix. We paid good money for this.


Bonjour, désolé de répondre en français, mais je parle vraiment pas anglais.

Comment faire une sauvegarde des parties, quand ont a le message (échec de publication, d'accès au service).

Votre jeu est vraiment sympa, mais là Les bug ce cumul.



Honestly I don’t even know how to get my saves back off so now I’ve deleted like 70 hours worth of stuff


I'm on ps5 1.000.007 now and I still carnt play I did wat you asked. all thees update are for servers not singal player this game has bin out for nearly a month now and I've only played 5 days of it .it's a good game but this game should not have been released yet and I say game becoz that's wat I payed for until you get on the game it ses its a bata


They only seem to care about server not the rest of us


So we are supposed to upload our save games to and then redownload them…

Then how come I cant upload more than 1 save game at a time. You are telling me no matter what I do I will still lose progress?

Thats amazing man you gotta love starting over and over again in a product you paid money for.

I love this game Keen. But saving is a very big and basic feature to have, especialy in a game like this.

Even if this fix takes long to make, please just let us upload more than 1 savegame to Because right now we are all stuck to one savegame. Atleast I know I am stuck to one savegame.


Keen grate concept love thr idea for this game but since it's almost been 30 days that's all this game really is is just a concept since I have not been able to play and enjoy myself and you seem not to focus on the major issue so any one can play and enjoy them self im requesting a full refund this was not worth 70 dollars for as much trouble this has been for how long its been out to me this is vary unacceptable


It’s good to report your experience I agree and it sucks. You can play though. Playing on a server is wayyyyyy better and for the most part trouble free and you aren’t as limited. There are over 200 of them and the worlds are big enough where if you don’t make a beacon you can essentially play alone if you want. It may not be perfect but you can play


No I can not play no matter the server I have so many problems it's impossible plus when u have kids u need a puase button I didn't buy the game for the online feature I I bought it for the offline play wish should be alot smoother play


Also I didn't pay 70 dollars to be a tester for them I paid for a game with I thought I could enjoy but I can not also the is a career called a game test wich means they are paid to test games and report bugs why the hell should I have to pay 70 dollars and do there job for them


I do deeply enjoy this game and what it does. It’s a whole new avenue for games and I deeply enjoy it. However, this error that keeps showing up has completely halted my progress as I had just made it to the moon from earth and can’t save my “crashed” landing rebuild. I would greatly appreciate this being fixed as soon as possible so that I can go back to enjoying such a great game


The most disappointing part of this issue is that there was a hot fix on 6/1 and this wasn’t addressed. I bought this game and can’t even play it and no attention has been paid


I bought a small pve server just so I can play


I’m not giving them more money to not fix something


I wouldn't either it was a waist of money it's so hard to set it up right I haven't even figured it out yet


It’s not that hard really host havoc did it for me even converted my save that I uploaded to the server. And it was all configured


Was that update for us becoz it didn't work


So guy 30 days are up and 5 days and games still messed to point where many can't play


Claude I can understand your frustration as we have a few issues as well that made the save games unusable: but with that in mind, this game is only beta and it has that posted in many places. This means you should be documenting issues and getting those back to the developers so they can make the game better for all of us. It has a long way to go before it becomes stable on the PlayStation. I think that they now understand that this save game issue is a huge problem that needs to be resolved based on the total amount of feedback received. I personally like this game and I can see potential as long as support can do a good job responding to us and capture what they need to make the game more stable.


If this game worked right it would be number 1 with out a dout the best game I've played yet I love it so much that what makes me mad when I can't play


On the ps5 store it doesn’t say beta. You only find out you’re playing a beta when you log in


And we’re actually not playing the beta. If you can’t save in a game like this what is the point of playing


If you did not see that on the store and was expecting a game without issues then you should return it and get your money back. I think that if you need help with an issue or if you have a question this forum is perfect as we are all in this together trying to figure this out but it really does no good complaining about something over and over again. Identify the issues, create an entry and respond to support when more detail is needed. If you see an issue with the store not showing that the game is beta then take a picture and create a bug report so they can look into it but for some reason I somehow knew it was beta when I purchased it. Not sure where I got that from.


I tried, but they wouldn’t let me since I played enough to be pissed off I wasted an entire weekend playing the game and then couldn’t save it.


Just got an update still no change


G,day everyone I hop thay fix it soon I convinced all my friends to get the game and now we can't save our progress this is a really great game I hope it gets fixed soon


I am also getting this bug too :(


Same. Brilliant game but pretty much unplayable.


i have the same issue, no mather if i'm playing stable or exerimental or with mods. The only workaround i have found so far is uploading your save to, then deleting the game and your save data on your console and in online storage then re-installing the game and downloading your save from


It will work for a couple of days, then return. I thought it was a foolproof idea too


true but it's still better than not being able to play or losing a save.

but i do hope it gets fixed soon


Busted phone, can’t access 2 step verification so I’m so screwed can’t do the io trick. Starting to hate this game. Two wks til new phone shoot me now


Hello Engineers,

Could you please tell us the setting you have for Max Backup Saves? This is especially important in the case where you have the issue present but only one saved game. This information would help us with this issue.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Mine is the default.


Mine is set to zero. But when it was set to 5 there was no way to find the backup saves. It would say something like: there are no backups to Be found.

So the backup function doesnt really function that well either, Maybe that causes the problem? Idk


I have 5 set


Mine is 5 but there aren’t any to be found


Normally set at 5, can’t access any however


Mine is also set at default 5 but if I try to look at the backups it says there are no backups to Be found.


Still no change come on now 24 days now wat going on we still carnt play fix it plz and y arnt yous fixing it i don't understand is this game not that important to yous if so can you let me no plz so I no plz


Backup save is set to 0(disabled) and the auto save is disabled as well. I only manually save. And it will still get the save error message. Usually after two days. I will say that I am a saveaholic, I save after doing anything significant. But to be fair when we overwrite the save, the previous save file should be deleted but it seems that it’s stacking instead.

Sent from my iPhone


It even has started happening before my save file hits 1gb. (It's almost a daily occurance)

Past few times it has been under 600mb and STILL "tHerE iS not EnOuGh SpAcE for ThE oPeRaTiOn"

Games been out nearly 4 weeks for ps5. 1 year or two for Xbox and like 10 for pc.

Definitely the last Keen game i ever buy.


Backup saves set to disabled, auto saves is off, usually console save data stays low after down loading from (29.4mb), then slowly goes up to 200’s then jumps to 900’s and time to upload to again.


I have a private server pve thY you can use and I can spawn your blue prints in for you I got room for for it is password protected


I've tried all the "fixes" floating around the internet and nothing works. It always comes back.

For OP, you need to delete your entire save via the PS4/5's internal Saved Game Data settings in the options because the game won't actually delete them.

Set your backups to 0 and this also slows the return of this issue, but it always comes back, Keen need to fix it.


Dude I just lost over 150 hours trying their fix over and over again. Get a refund.


The publish to does work. Just got to keep an eye on the console save data size. As soon as it gets anywhere close to 1gb, publish, then delete console&cloud data before making any more progress, or you’ll be wasting your time. Then start new game, load from workshop, save, re-sync console/cloud…and repeat, until we get the proper fix.


Hello Engineer,

Thank you for participating in our PlayStation Space Engineers Beta. And thank you for your patience with this issue.

We're working on a new version with a possible fix and additional logs in case more fixes are needed.

Please be on a lookout for updates in this thread as we might request more cooperation in sending logs or checking if the issue is present after the hotfix is released.

Thank you.

Kind regards,

Keen Software House: QA Department


Thank you Keen


Thank you for what??? They haven't fixed ANYTHING


They at least care about fixing it, even if it takes awhile. It’s a breath of fresh air for me because all I’ve ever known was ignorant uncaring devs


Excuse me? No they don't. This is a day one release issue that goes back to PC reports over a half a decade ago and prior to early release then. The game has been out since 2013. And on Playstation since the 11th of last month. Literally 80%+ of it console life has been broken. The fix has been to repeatedly delete your save data after uploading it to a third party server and redownload it from that. It went to a max of 1.8 gigs to where I'm still under 800MB and getting the issue with one save file at .07 and a max of two blueprints. Sony won't even allow a PSVR game under 60fps but somehow people are okay with the idea of go on and figure it out bud on the PSN store for $20-$70? Games been out for a decade. If it's a test copy pay us to find issues that you should be hiring people for. I'm so tired of everyone giving these companies an out because they call it a "beta". And caring isn't a copy and paste response of how to band-aid their broken product every two weeks.


I just lost 150+ hours of gaming thanks to their bullshit fix. Funny enough even the 150 hour trophy is broken. I paid for a game. Not a beta test. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME.


Hello Engineers,

this problem is really not nice, it also cost me the first two rounds at the beginning. After I investigated this problem myself and thought about it, I came up with this solution here. Of course, this is only a crutch, but it is fast and secures my score permanently. I have no further settings (backup, etc.) Changed.

I hope it helps you until KEEN provides a remedy.


My current routine is that every day when I'm finished, I call up "Save As", choose a completely new, non-existent file name and then have to manually delete all other files in your list of available saves. That's the only way I can keep the size under control.


The great irony of a game about meticulous engineering that can’t fix their own gamebreaking bug


I got a private server nitrado cuz of this issue so I have room for four people just ask for the info


Nice. This made me do one of those snort laughs man. It's fine though. One of those nerds on a 1980's Mac will come along and fix it though. Right before they get a cease and desist Activision style for putting out a good product. F in the chat for SM2.



Today we are releasing a hotfix (your game version will not change), for PlayStation 5 (PlayStation 4 version will be released later). We ask everyone who has problems saving on this console to please update. Please clear your local data before running it. Beware, you will also lose any (old) existing saves by doing this.


- Settings/Storage/Saved data/PS5 games/

- Select Delete

- Select the Space Engineers and press the Delete button

It is necessary to start from the beginning. This should prevent any recurrence of this issue.

Please let us know if continue to experience any issues. Thank you for your continued patience, and for working through this process with us.

Kind Regards

Keen Software House


This has been the go to workaround in the past but has never fixed it long term in the past,

Hopefully this update changes that, will upload main saves to workshop then delete all save data from internal and cloud storage via PS5 settings as suggested.

Fingers crossed it holds this time..

Do we have to delete blueprints and workshop subscriptions, they appear to remain after total deletion of game files from PS5 menu,


This update should fix the gradual increase of save file size when saving repeatedly.

No need to cancel subscriptions.

We hope that everything will be fine now. Please let us know.


My console data size has remained low and that is great, thank you Keen for fixing this issue and others that I have submitted, it is an awesome game, even better now, thanks again.

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