
Oliver Mitulla shared this feedback 6 years ago

While waiting for my issue to be fixed by this insanely friendly support service of the SE-Team I put some thoughts in it.

How about to add a wing block to have uplift on an atmospheric planet?

It could be interesting to build some plane-like ship, meaning a Ship with only strong forward thrusters, that is maneuverable only when fast enough. The necessary speed depends on the amount of wing-blocks you add to the ship.

You could implement it thrusterwise, a like a 4th form of it, with an integrated Gyro-Effect. It would not consume energy but be able to add steering to the axis it is built in: Like when you add a wing block, you have every 10 km/h more power upwards/downwards. The direction of the thrust would depend on how you set it up.

It could also be interesting to build the wings inverted into cars, so the vehicle won't lift off so easily.

And by adding wing blocks vertically you could steer the ship left to right and by adding them crosswise, you could add strong air breaks, which would make landing on a planet a whole lot different and really interesting.

To prevent players from building insanely fast atmospheric ships by using "wing-block-boost" you could just make the wings desintegrate when the ship moves faster than a certain speed limit, which would in some way be realistic. Every wing block attached would lower the speed limit, but also lower the speed you need to uplift. Then, when it like moves 10% over speed limit, like every second 5% of the wing blocks fall of, 20% over limit, 10% fall off, and so on. And if you enter an atmosphere with wings insanely fast, the wings would break off instantly.

Adding to the relative wing block/speed-ratio set breakoff value, you could add an absolute speed limit to keep the ships at a reasonable speed.

Thanks for your feedback. I bet there are a lot of problems, but at the same time there is also a huge amount of potential.

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