Vehicles breaking too easily.

Dave Sanders shared this feedback 5 years ago

We are not all experienced pilots/drivers. Also there are some of us with hand/eye coordination problems and slow reaction times. For that reason, the ease with which things break off in this game makes the game unplayable. I am all for physics and a semi-realistic game, since absolute realism is almost impossible, but with player controlled limits.

I bought the game because I love to build and SE allowed me to access things that many other games do not provide. However, testing them and finding a multi-piece jigsaw puzzle because I landed too hard or I ran over a rock too fast or didn't hit the brakes fast enough means I can't check the things I build to see if they will work properly.

All it needs is a slider to increase the SI of the blocks from normal (as it is now) to infinite, making the build indestructible if it is set to infinite. For servers, this client side slider is ignored and the SI is set by the server.

In my view, this would make the game perfect. We can build and test our builds to see if they fly/drive without any balance problems etc and not have to rebuild it again from scratch if a bad design results in a crash. We can also play in a semi-creative mode where we can still be killed but our vehicles have a lot more resilience and can bounce without breaking if we land a bit too hard.

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