trying to watch anything on disney+ while playing the game freaks out the display and lags the compu

blarg harblarg shared this feedback 4 years ago

trying to watch anything on disney+ while playing the game freaks out the display and lags the computer to the point where your forced to shut the whole thing of...

It's something to do with their DRM and how your game engine deals with the display output i think...

Basically the computer start to lag and the game display goes kind almost momochrome except flimmery with other colors a and shrunken down... a bit like when you try to play a NTSC VHS in a pal device... that kind of screwed up...

this is also kind of a draw back because this is the kind of game that goes well with something to listen or watch on a second screen and kinda bummed out i cant watch the mandaloreon or rewatch aladin while playing the game :p

At the very least you really aught to see if you can get it to fail in a less annoying way for people who are not aware of this... if someone is working on something and the game fails like this they may loose work as a result.

I mean in part this is probably part disneys fault for having such agressive DRM but based on the fact that other games dont seam to have the same problems i also think you may be playing a bit loosey gosey with something or other... especially since you seam to ahve your own game engine...

Is probably something to do with how it writes to the displayt port since that was the monitor cable used and i think those things come with specific protocosl for DRM stuff.. so i am guessing your engine is doing something unusualy and the DRM is being nasty about it.

at the very least you should have this fail in a less catastrophic way...

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