The Store block does not need a limitation of "99,999" on the offer/order amounts.

Vallis shared this feedback 3 years ago

This seems like an incredibly arbitrary thing to introduce a limitation on. Please don't take offense to this, but it has absolutely no purpose. If a store owner has one million units of iron ore to sell, they would have to list the same offer of "99,999" iron ore 10 times. Why?? The same applies in reverse if the store owner wanted to buy one million units of iron ore; they have to list the order 10 times. This is incredibly cumbersome for absolutely no reason.

Here's an example of a situation where this serves no purpose.

For the purposes of roleplay on a server, I want to set up a recycling center (owned by an NPC entity) that pays players a cheap amount of credits for gravel. I give this NPC one trillion credits so that it will always have money to pay players for gravel. The only problem now is that if I were to list an order for as much gravel as possible in the NPC's store block, I'm suddenly limited up to 99,999 units of gravel. This NPC's business is suppose to take as much gravel as you can possibly provide to it as a player, but now this entire idea has been soiled. This limitation needs to removed entirely. To be honest, there should be no limitation at all.

If we have the resources/credits to make it possible, let us do it. Please remove this limitation.

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