Suit Appearance Reset Upon Death (with Notes)

Asher Trojcak shared this feedback 3 years ago


I have been researching the bug where your suit appearance resets upon death, as the title suggests. This has been a serious bug since 2017, and was agitated by the Scraplands update earlier this year. the following is a series of experiments i conducted for you guys because this is a really annoying bug, and for me who is a perfectionist about appearances, this one is the worst of them all. keep in mind this is all done after the Warfare 1 update and in experimental mode.

These are my findings: the pattern in which appearance settings is not remembered is dependent on the kind of world that you're on. My notes are as follows: I did a hard reset of my suit appearance settings by deleting the ActiveInventory.sbl document from Local Disc>Users>(insert windows account name here)>Appdata>Roaming>SpaceEngineers>Saves>(insert steam pin here). (an important detail to keep in mind is that when I see the character screen after this, it shows me as an orange (29*, 100%, 100%) default engineer.) after which, I started up Lone Survivor, whereby I spawned in as a black (0*, 0%, 0%) engineer. after ramming myself into the asteroid at high velocity, I respawned at the medical room as a red (0*, 80%, 45%) engineer. interestingly enough, these results would repeat themselves, first black, then red, then black again, then red again, until finally it just continued to be red no matter how many times i died.

This is where it gets interesting: I exited out of the world, deleted it, then exited the game and did another suit hard reset. This time, however, when i started up the game, i started a Red Ship world. when i spawned in, i was a green (120*, 47%, 40%) engineer. then i did my usual bang my head against the giant floating rock, and when i respawned, once again at the medical room, I got an intense green (120*, 80%, 45%) engineer. and once again, the colors swapped between the two every time i died, but this time, they swapped around without letup.

Some things to keep in mind: the saturation and value variables 80%, 45% is a common occurrence. I believe this is a variable set that is hardwired into the game, because you get these values in the block color screen when you press P in-game. the darker blue, darker red and darker yellow all have this in common. Another thing to keep in mind is that this bug happens regardless of where you respawn. I just used the medical room for convenience. Sometimes, this bug can actually be corrected by getting into and getting out of a cockpit several times, but that is a rare occurrence and most times, you have to exit out and go the character screen if there isn't a medical room nearby.

So what do I think is the problem here. A mixture of several things. first off, it is well known that Keen Software servers are notoriously bad, and i suspect that this might have something to do with this, as the bug gets worse if you are playing single player. It runs off of the same principle as Minecraft and using third-party skins. they actually have servers that track and keep both current and past skins. I suspect Keen Software does the same thing, as the bug also has the tendency to revert back to previous customization options. The other thing is within the game files themselves. It's obvious that when the servers fail to recall customization options that the coding in the game takes over and still selects colors from way back when when your color was random every time you started a world.

Anyways, those were my findings, do with them as you will, but I'd like to see this bug fixed. I would sincerely appreciate a reply to this if you have any input or the like.


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