Suggestion: Jetpacks - more options as equipable items

Robert shared this feedback 3 years ago

Currently the only options for the jetpack is enabled/disable in the save file settings config. For a jetpack that works anywhere.

The suggestion is to make the jetpack an equip-able item (slight adjustment to inventory screen required). This will allow for multiple tiers of jetpacks based on what is equipped.

Tier 0 - No jet pack

Tier 1a - Ion Jetpack (only works in space, consumes suit energy FAST)

Tier 1b - Atmo jetpack (only works in atmospheres above a certain air pressure, consumes suit energy FAST)

Tier 2 - Hydrogen jetpack (what is already in game and is the gold standard)

This will also make single use (not rechargeable) versions of the jetpacks a secondary option (all single use versions use internal fuel source). Rechargeable versions should be more expensive to make/economy purchasable only (like Zone Chips).

This suggestion is inspired by the Lost Colony campaign.

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