Suggestion for more interaction and dynamic

MaXiMuM4DgamingTV shared this feedback 6 years ago

Hello there,

I came across a post, saying Uranium might get removed from Planets entirely, so people make use of the new stuff that is coming.

My Idea is:


How about we have "special" planets, that have uranium in some sort of big amounts BUT, the planet is hardly populated by Spiders and shit. It would "force" the player to go to specific planets to get that Uranium, to power bigger Projects.

It would mean, people would have to do something for their resources, besides just mining them, also create a competition between factions, since everybody wants uranium.

You might also want to build a base there, so u dont have fly over there everytime, in that case, you would have to build a very strong base to withstand the Spiders, but also other players.

Think of it like a "starship troopers" movie, it would be exactly like that.

I fell in love with that idea, since it does not directly force you to PVP, and also gives PVM players some sort of a challange if they decide to build on planets like these.

Now, I don't know how performance heavy Spiders, or KI's itself are, but from my POV it sounds definitly considerable.

(btw, PLEASE consider adding a 300% damage bonus for Grinders, when used against Spiders :3 )

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