Small Autonomus A.I. personal drone/fly robot with personality

Guest shared this feedback 4 years ago

Autotransalated in bottom(SK):

Aby sme neboli v Single-player survival sami, okolo nás bude krúžiť zábavný drobný lietajúci robot, ktorý s nami bude žartovať a trochu pomáhať.

V prípade že nám dôjde v skafandri elektrický prúd, trochu nás dobije vlastným článkom, on sám sa bude dobíjať zo slnka, a bude mať malú batériu.

V prípade že budeme niečo stavať alebo sa niečo rozbije, bude občas lietať medzi assemblerom alebo skladom a sam po jednom nosiť vyrobky a trochu ich zvarať. Bude pri tom hovoriť vtipné hlášky a sťažovať si že robí ako otrok.

Bude schopny trochu z chybajuceho materialu v assembleri objednat, a v pripade ze bude chybat ruda, povrta sa niekde kde sme sa pred tym vtrali mi aby natazil trochu kamena.

Ale nebude za nas robit pracu, bude to iba taky spolocnik co je maly, zabavny a bude schopny nam trochu pomahat, s osobnostou.

Obcas nam nieco poradi, napriklad ked budeme v nudzi s energiou, ked si sadneme do sedadla, alebo poletime v lodi, poleti za nami a prichyti sa o trup, ked to nestihne, bude cakat kde sme ho nechali a zacne vysielat nudzovy signal.

Vtipne by bolo, ak by na planete boli na stromoch vevericky, ktore ked zlezu na zem blizko robota, zacne na nich brechat ako pes, a oni utecu spat na strom.



In order not to be alone in the Single-player survival, we will be surrounded by a fun little flying robot that will joke with us and help a little.

If we run out of energy (our fail start), it will recharge us a bit with its own cell. He it will recharge itself from the sun, and will have a small battery.

In the event that we build something or break something, it will sometimes fly between assembler or stock, and carry the blocks one by one and weld them a little. He would say funny messages and complain that he was a slave.

He will be able to order a little of the missing material in the assembler, and if there is a lack of ore ( what we/he now welding ), somewhere where we mine before, he mine some stones.

But he won't do the work for us, he'll just be a companion who is small, entertaining, and will be able to help us a little, with personality.

Sometimes get some advice, for example, when we are over with energy.

When we sit in the seat, or fly, he fly behind us and grab the hull, if it misses it, wait where we left him and start sending sos signal.

It would be funny if there were squirrels on the planet on the trees, which, when they come close on ground to the robot, start barking on them like a dog, and they run to the tree.

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