Separate or change the experimental mode.

Drakon Fire shared this feedback 5 years ago

Separate or change the experimental mode.

The fact is that when it is turned on, then in fact there are not that restrictions in the config. That is, if we put a restriction on the piston (speed, pressure, etc.) then we can still go over the limit, all this will be highlighted in red. For modding is critical =)

The second request is to give more opportunities for crafting or processing. For example, I want to make the refiner recycle resources for a reason, but also consume some other resource. And lastly, I would like to get either a separate config for the production block (that would not have a mode of deconstruction items) like the survival block ... but it has a spawn config ... and now think about it, if I use its config with 20 other blocks then get chaos =)

And so everything is fine, continue in the same vein, I do not regret that I purchased your product, on it I even learned how to model more or less, and a little understanding of the codes =))

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