Please fix/help/something/ please

Virgil Armstrong shared this feedback 6 years ago

My ship I have been working on, On an "Official server" vanished. It had over 3 years of battery life on it!!! I had over 80 batteries and it was inside of turret range, there were no thrusters on it yet, So nobody could have "stolen it". Please help this game has SOOOOO many issues and currently has been almost unplayable with the ghosting issue. ever my Survival pod sank though the moon and ended up just flying though space. and when I logged back in I was 4500 Km from the moon.

Also as far as PvP is concerned, **EVERYTHING is WAY TOO EASY TO HACK** Like seriously wtf, PvP is SOOO broken!!!! Especially the ability to hack ships & fly off with them. WAY TOO EASY

When hacking ships, A player should have to hack 90% of the working mods IE engines gyros etc, before being able to fly off in a ship.... That or they should have to demolish the cockpit all together and hack all modules around it just to place a new one, before having to hack 90% of working modules.

Was there even any thought put into it, I mean honestly....

Needs to be some form of upgraded combat space suit with some form of durability for combat.

enemy players trying to "grind" to hack or access things needs a MAJOR increase in time taken vs enemy structure. like 500% increase in time to grind. range to be able to "hack" needs to be set to almost fully destroyed before reaching the "hack-able" point.

Building: I really wish you could actually use the different shapes for building and snapping, to their shape instead of the "blocked grids" snap points. SO many building possibilities and ideas will not become reality in this game at least unless this is fixed.

P.S. I really like the concept of this game a LOT & I mean A LOT!!!

There is a ton of work that still needs to be done for this game to be considered complete IMHO.

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