Plasma Thruster / Futuristic Thruster

Nick Safronov shared this feedback 5 years ago

In my opinion there should be a fourth kind of thruster available in the game. I would call it Plasma thruster or futuristic thruster. But let me explain.

In the current game we have Ion Thruster for Space, Atmospheric Thruster for Planets/Atmosphere and than there are the Hydrogen Thruster for leaving a Planet an entering the Orbit. This work absoluty fine for large/huge ships, with enough capacity for multiple kinds of thrusters, storage space for generators and reserve ice for producing more Hydrogen. If you want to build a small ship you really have to choose between only atmosphere or only space. Building a small fighter, cargo oder trooptransport with the ability to operate in atmosphere, in orbit and in space simultaneously is very difficult. The only thruster capable of fullfilling such task is a hydrogen one. Which need a huge amount of H2 to operate especially in atmosphere and high gravity. So if you want to create a medium size ship out of small blocks you reach the point of to much mass for to less thruster really fast.

So my suggestion would be, to emplement a fourth kind of thruster, an allrounder. Imagine a Plasma thruster with an huge amount of output, maybe 150 kn thrust for an small thruster on a small ship, which are powerd by ernergy and consume a kind of gas. So if you have Oxygen on board, it will use it. if you have Hydrogen, it will use Hydrogen. If you have both, it will use both of them. With this thruster you can create an small ship which can fly really long in atmospehre, depending on how much energy you have and it can easily fly in space by useing the Hydrogen gas. You would avoid the huge loss of hydrogen for atmospehere flight and still have the ability to fly in space with the same small ship.

This even wouldn´t be more unrealistic then Jumpdrive or gravity generator.

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