Overpowered/Inconsistent Collision Damage

UnitingMatrixXCV shared this feedback 5 years ago

First, i'd like to mention that i have seen a topic similar to this before, but was marked as "solved", and very well may have been for the time, but now i need to bring it up again.

So, in my new survival world I recently build a new large grid "mobile base", with a piston loading ramp for my small grid rover and a compact "bridge" up front, with my refinery, assembler and survival kit stacked up together.

While attempting to relocate to a new location with less jagged terrain, i of course had to drive over some mountains, with some particularly nasty jagged edges, so i'm trying to keep my speed lower.. But driving downhill is always a challenge, of course.. So, hitting a few bumps along the way is inevitable.

But, those bumps tend to do a lot of damage to the grid. I grazed against some jagged terrain while going maybe 35-40m/s, just below my cockpit which is on the fairly empty right side of the rover, and (i was told this is due to deformation damage) my cluster of systems, the refinery, assembler and survival kit were very nearly destroyed. Even the antenna which hovered over the cockpit. This was the breaking point for me, but there have been other incidents of inconsistent damage:

With my smaller rover, there were a few things that bugged me;

While attempting to drive it up on the formerly mentioned loading ramp of my mobile base, i was moving slowly so i can accurately drive onto the ramp, but as i approach, i lightly bump the ramp and tear my front wheels off, so i decide to pull back to repair, but as im pulling away even slower than i was trying to get on, the cockpit rubbed the ground and was instantly destroyed.

Then, as im scouting for ores (supergridded large ore detector, because it's impossible to tell where ore patches are) I'm inevitably making jumps off semi-large ledges and hills. While making larger jumps off ledges, i can get some decent distance forwards and downwards, and the wheel suspension will take it like a champ, leaving my rover unharmed. But other times, making a small jump after reaching the peak of a rounded hill, the impact will break one or more of the wheels of my rover. Not any of the chassis or the suspension itself, just the wheels. This feels very inconsistent to me.

All in all, i feel the way collision damage is currently handled is inconsistent, and many times overly sensitive, and needs to be toned down, or redone a bit.

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