Minor UI changes that would make our lives a lot easier

Erik Jones shared this feedback 3 years ago

#1 Move commonly used controls to the top

Some terminal block's controls have gotten a bit cluttered as features have been added, pushing the important things below the first page. Specifically turrets and remote controls. In both cases if you want to take control of them you have to scroll down, but also the reverse button for pistons, trigger now for timer blocks and several others.

#2 Let the control panel jump to a chosen device

Also on the control panel/terminal topic; it's common to be in and out of a single device, over and over. Each time having to search or scroll to find it among dozens, hundreds or even more other devices. Meanwhile the "Control Panel" block is pretty useless as many devices have them built in. Wouldn't it be nice if the dedicated control panel had the ability to choose another device to default to when activated. Even better, if it defaulted to choosing the device it's attached to. For example, if placed directly on a projector, then activating it would take you straight into that projector. And if you've ever tried to line up a projection, you'd understand how much of a timesaver that would be.

#3 Make finding devices in the terminal list easier

Speaking of hundreds of devices. Ever tried to find a specific corner light on a large station, when you have 5 ships docked, and some of those have several sub-grids? It's a nightmare. My go-to technique is to grind it down a little and then look for the unfinished one, but even that can be a problem. I'd love to have a few quality of life options in this category.

A) Filter out all but the current grid. Currently you can see which is which by color, but without a way to search or filter, it can mean a lot of scrolling and hoping

B) The option to show the device's color next to the name, perhaps as a small square swatch. This would allow me to color the ones I want to change and then find them that way.

C) A better auto-numbering/naming system. There's nothing like trying to figure out which drill 7 is the drill 7 that's actually the 7th one you placed

D) The best option would be to make the list a multi-layered tree. The current grid in the top layer, all connected/sub grids like folders at the top that can be expanded. Sub grids of those being their own collapsed folders. But I imagine that might be harder to do than it sounds.

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