Meteoroid Crater Resources

Ian Lakinger shared this feedback 6 years ago

in the game meteors leave craters with a clump of 1 resource, instead, they should have a few meteorite stones in the crater, when you pick them up, you get "meteorites n-mass b-volume (etc)," and when you refine it, it is probability what you get per chunck refined. this would be a bit more realistic and getting resources from it more interesting than "oh look some magnesium." Iron would be the most common and platinum would be the most rare.

below are some hypothetical numbers if your interested in what it might look like

- 32.5% Iron

- 20% Nickel

- 15% Cobalt

- 8.5% Silicon

- 5% Silver

- 5% Uranium

- 2.5% Gold

- 1.5% Platinum

so in 1KL of meteorites (3 to 6 harvested craters) there is approximately

-325L Iron

-200L Nickel

-150L Cobalt

-100L Magnesium

- 85L Silicon

- 50L Silver

- 50L Uranium

- 25L Gold

- 15L Platinum

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