merge blocks partial connection options

Halstonn Landry shared this feedback 4 years ago

Idea for toggle option on merge block:

(Partial Connection [_] )

Merge blocks with Partial Connection toggled would have their behaviors altered in the following ways:

>Partial Connection would only merge the merge blocks themselves, and would not merge other blocks touching between grids, allowing for easier, better looking temporary connections while still being air tight.

>Partial Connection would not allow grid to grid terminal access- allowing two separate grid owners to merge their respective grids and not have to worry about the other one snooping around in their terminal.

//Partial Connection to full connection interactions

>A merge block with Partial Connection toggled on would override the behavior of a connected merge block with Partial Connection toggled off, unless elsewhere between the grids, there are merge blocks with Partial Connection toggled off connected to each other.

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