Merge Blocks exploding or damaging grid (ramps/hangars)

Hull Breach shared this feedback 5 years ago

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I have some ships with ramps or hangar doors consisting of rotors/pistons, armor blocks and merge blocks. The ships used to work like a charm for several months. Now a lot of players told me that the ramps and doors explode on unmerging.

I tested it myself. Here are two ships that are affected by this bug:

Silverfield Gunboat:

- small grid ship with a complex but logical ramp system to make the ship airtight

- push green button: open ramp (some timer blocks will decompress the ship, turn lights on etc before unmerging)

- the frame with the door will be pushed away by pistons (1m), so the rotors have enough space to open the ramp

- This ramp system is used by other ships on the workshop, too.

- push red button: close ramp (frame will be pushed out again, ramp goes up, frame retracts, merge blocks merge)

BUG: when I open the ramp, there's a significant chance that the ramp takes damage when the merge blocks unlock

When I open the ramp while the ship is connected to another grid via the ship's connector, the ramp will almost certainly take damage or explode.

Europa Class Carrier:

- Carrier Ship with a large horizontal hangar door (like the Venator from star war)

Opening Sequence:- trigger "timer open 0" (or 1? it's the lowest number of the timers)

- hangar door will unmerge from ship

- pistons will raise the door about 2m

- the two halfs of the ramp will unmerge and move to the sides (pistons)

- triggering "timer close 0" (or 1?) will close the hangar

BUG: sequence is working like always but the merge blocks damage the surrounding grid on unmerge. Escpecially the merge blocks that hold together the two halfes of the door.

What I tried so far:

- lowering the number of merge blocks (Silverfield Ship now has 2 instead of 4 merge blocks) --> no effect

- trying to optimize the grids around the merge blocks --> no effect

- playing around with rotors/pistons (torque settings, share tensor etc) --> no effect

My thoughts on this bug:

I'm neither a developer nor a scripter but It seems to me that there's a lot of unneccesary force applied to the merge blocks in the moment of unmerging. I don't know, when this problem started, since I was notified by players commenting on my workshop. I therefore can't provide you with a version number.

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