Make intertia dampeners require a functional cockpit/control seat/remote control to work

Endar949 shared this feedback 4 years ago

In the current version of the game, if your cockpit on a ship is damaged, you will be kicked out and the ship will slow down and come to a stop. This isn't very immersive and doesn't look good either. I reccomend that once all control blocks (cockpits, control seats, remote controls, etc.) are damaged below functional, the ship's inertia dampeners are disabled and the ship will fall down to the surface if over a planet. Also, you should still be able to sit inside a damaged cockpit or control seat, just you won't have any control or be able to access the ship's terminal (this is to stop people making an incomplete seat and using it to change things in the terminal). These would be great features and it would make battles or crashes more immersive and it would look great too.

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