Issues with SE and my feedback on how to improve the game.

john h. shared this feedback 6 years ago


My Steam handle is [SK] Warmachine, and i left a very critical review about S.E. on steam with a negative opinion of the game, but hope for it to change and be a game i love again. When i first started playing S.E. i thought it was great! It was like being a kid, playing with legos in my room, making space ships, then getting them blown up, with real physics! i loved it, though one thing was always missing, a direction. I know S.E. started out as vanilla sandbox for us, the players to make our own way, and show of our creativity and so on, but i would argue over the years, the game has changed so much, that, just being a sandbox anymore is not enough!

The game has evolved into something more, only is currently, enjoyable, with mod support and that is not acceptable for any game. the base game should still be enjoyable and not need mods to have working hostile AI that are actual a challenge [reaper/corruption mod] nor need mods to have an interesting world to explore. [Enhanced Exploration Mod], both very fun, and very popular mods, that when not in use, result in, a handful of encounters, a handful of AI threats that aren't hard to deal with at all, and clear objective other then, do whatever. I think we are far past the "do where" stage at this point. Sandbox is great, when there is something to do in it.

Now, as for "survival"..... *sigh*

Its a joke. it is NOT survival. it is "grind" to unlock stuff we already have built and used before. Your not surviving, because your character needs no food, water, rest, and has to remain in a space suit, even when on an Terran class world..... *sigh* you don't hunt wolves for food, which would of been a good idea, you don't melt ice into drinkable water, and i know, what about if your in space? hydroponics anyone?! that would work for non planetary survival and if you could craft a survival kit that had oh i dunno, seeds for plants, and what not, that, would of been a better idea. Granted, you are not required to use survival. "thank god." And you did add some new blocks, the survival kit/medic bay, that was a nice addition. So was fixing spawning. "good job keen. that's one good fix." however, you f***ed up a few times during this update so...not much credit gained. Anyway, you made the CRITICAL ERROR of taking uranium out of planets..... WTF!!!!!!! Ok, i think i know why, to force the player to use the new hydrogen engine Planetside, ok, i get that, but....forcing a player to do that, when they probably have a dozen builds for planets that require, oh i dunno, URANIUM to work wasn't smart!! Where do you think we mine Uranium in real life? it certainly isn't from a bloody asteroid! and to even match one large reactor takes over 20 hydrogen engines!!?!?! *sigh* Come on Keen!! WTH are you thinking.


And still.....there's no actual story. Keen, you made the beginnings of one, which i rather liked and was hoping this would lead into that new faction addition you talked about years ago, telling us players to create factions to have a chance to have them add into the actual game, remember that empty promise.....i do. Weapons retarded. I cant a turret to not shoot off elements of my own ship. There is STILL no ship to ship cannon, WTH, all we have is a rocket pod, gatling guns and missiles that don't track and home in on a target, so its really a rocket turret.

SIGH!!! Keen!!!! YOUR BETTER THEN THIS!!!! I want to like your game again, but all your probably gonna do is piss off a lot of your player base and be left behind by your competitors. You cant depend on the mod community to keep your game fun forever. My whole discord community use to play space engineers, we aren't a huge group, only about 16+ people, but we all liked it to various degrees, now, only one person plays it and she even gave it up recently, seeing the faults the game has and being tired of the bugs and etc.

I sincerely hope, this feedback is read, in full, and actually considered, instead of thrown to the wayside, though that's probably whats going to happen, or i get i cookie - cutter reply on, why none of theses changes can be done...which, everyone knows is complete ********. Keen, get your S*** together, i want to like your game again, i really do, but if don't fix it, its going to fail and it certainly isn't going to bring me back to try it with this update, maybe i the future, ill keep an eye open, but, i wont be holding my breath.

Still, who knows, i hope to be pleasantly surprised.

From a former fan of S.E.

- [SK] Warmachine

*PS* If you do decide to fix everything, one tiny request, add Caterpillar tracks blacks so i can build an actual tank please.

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