Idea for a fuel station

Emmanuel EJ Aubrey shared this feedback 5 years ago

I was over the moon (figuratively and literally) when we got hydrogen engines. However I would like to request two more blocks for that system. The first is a fuel intake for small grids. I picture this being 1x1x1, looks similar to the ejector, fits on the small conveyor blocks and can only move hydrogen to the engine and tank. The second block is the fuel station. This will be 1x1x1 one a large grid and have a conveyor port on top and bottom. My idea is that it has a nozzle that matches the aforementioned intake on the small grid. The tricky part is making the nozzle adjustable to match the height of the intake on the vehicle. I don't know if a hose or adjustable piston can be programmed, but if it can, I think this will bring a major change to the construction of ships and bases. Ships and rovers can be made smaller because they no longer need that large conveyor just to fuel. This means scout and recon rovers. For bases, this means l lower profile fueling area without pistons sticking out everywhere.

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