I quite like the ships and bases from the first campaging in SE, my idea

Gabriel H shared this feedback 6 years ago

I would not mind suggesting to have the ships and buildings from the first campaign in SE. The campsite with the big hangar and the ship inside it is really well done, as well as all the info pannels. I do prefer the camp site to the enemy base but that is also unique in its own way.

The campsite required work and repairs to get it up and running but in the campagin you didn't continue, that would be something i'd be intrested in doing with SE on single player mode. It's a much nicer start on the plannets compared to the structure currently exhibited. The moon base is well done as well, i really belived what the story line did around the moonbase. Would be intrested to do a single player around there two, very creepy and misterious location. Single player mode in that scenario would be very neat to have the player to do the security override and so on. A bit of interaction between the game and the player.

Should the idea go ahead, would be pretty neat to feature all the damaged buildings and direlect scrap ships and other scrap inside the base for you to fix up or live with. Would make a good survival site two.

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