Gravametric Radar

naed21 shared this feedback 6 years ago

There's a few long range radar ideas, but I think a gravametric radar would be more interesting.

For those who don't know, "gravimetry" is the measurement of an object's gravity. So a gravimetric radar would pickup objects based on how much gravity or mass it has.

So the idea is that larger ships will be picked up from longer ranges, while smaller ships won't get picked up until your close or not at all. To throw out an example, I'd say the spawn ships would be light enough to go undetected until 2-3km distance and small fighters or miners will simply be under a cutoff point and not picked up at all. But a large base with tons of cargo containers and refinaries would get picked up tens of kilometers away.

A fun bit of counter play could be to load up a fighter with artificle mass blocks and turn them on to try and trick players into thinking you're a large ship or purhaps to lure them into an ambush of a group of strike craft.

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