Fusion Power (Station Only Power)

Donovan Gould shared this feedback 5 years ago

Since we have hydrogen in game. Why don't we use it for a fusion reactor. D2O

But we need several thousand tons of Ice for producing the fuel require for the reactor.

The amount of water to produce 2.1 ml is 5 L. How much Ice is need for d2o to fill a large ship hydrogen tank. (using o2/h2 generator with a heavy water option)

Also think about the power requirement for startup. Say 10 large reactors at full output for ~5 mins to start the reaction.

For parts to build this say 4-5 Jump drives, foot print is 5l*5w*3h.

For running the reactor, long as fuel can be pumped in to the chamber, the reactor runs at 110% stable reaction. 200 MW generation.

But if there isn't anymore d2o fuel available to burn, you have 10 min to find a new supply before the reaction cycles out.

For the Large Ship Hydrogen Tank filled with d2o, would last around min week to a month supply.

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