Compiler for cockpits.

Ronin Planetary Industries shared this feedback 5 years ago

We have a programmable block and we are thankful. Cockpits aren't programmable blocks. However, Keen is attaching scripting to them.

Could it be possible to allow a compiler option to be selected as one of the script options and then add the layout for the programmable block in a pop-down to the cockpit.

The players shouldn't have the Keen level of access... of course not. The real advantage I can see would be players being able to attach a script to a cockpit and then publish custom cockpit layouts and displays already paired up with scripts.

The downside is that it might be considered a "free programmable block" on servers that count on PCUs. So a bool in the game config to enable/disable custom cockpit scripts in case it's a consideration for some players or server hosts.

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