Charting Block for exploring and wayfinding on planets

Volker Trauth shared this feedback 6 years ago

I propose something which will help to colonize planets. I imagine it is sort of a programmable block installed in vehicles or aircraft/space ships which creates an image file of what you see on the surface of a planet or moon with a defined distance to its surface.

Would work like a recorder. When you set gps marks they would also appear on that image file stored in the charting block. With ongoing exploration the image becomes larger and larger until one day maybe you have seen everything on that planet's surface. If this file is becoming too large to handle by a programmable block maybe split up into sectors of that planet's surface.

The imagine could be displayed on a LCD ingame and even be exported as a jpg/png file to your real life computer so you could work on it with a graphics editor like gimp, maybe drawing borderlines or planning moves, etc.

And of course in multiplayer, you'd give that map to your co-players and use it for your joint operations. You could name mountains and other significant features in the landscape and everybody would know where to find places.

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