Broadcasting tab

Jappards shared this feedback 5 years ago

Broadcasting is a useful and underused feature and more blocks should hook into it. The control panel is not a good place for it, however.

There should be a broadcasting tab in the terminal. This broadcasting tab would include all blocks capable of using this feature and that are in the network. This includes cameras, Remote Controls, Ore Detectors, Turrets. Cameras and Remote Controls and turrets have the view and control option added to this tab.

Ore Detectors will have their broadcast ores option moved to the broadcasting tab and this will include all detectors in the network. The broadcasting ores option will be split into each ore type in order to allow players to hide a type when the screen is too cluttered.

Turrets will have new broadcast options added. Broadcast Enemy will highlight all enemy targets to your hud. Broadcast Neutrals will add the same for neutral targets. This will only work if the turret sees them, enemies aren't highlighted when they leave the turret's range.

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