[BLOCK SUGGESTION]4x1x1 slope set

Echo Mande shared this feedback 4 years ago

With the introduction of hinges to vanilla there has been an upsurge of rover trailers coming in to the game. The workshops of Smokki, Spite and Taidyr have plenty of 3x3 wheeled rovers with a variety of 3x3 wheeled trailers available.

One of the things that somewhat annoys me is that there is no really good set of slope blocks available for them to use. The problem is that it is fairly easy to bottom out and damage longer trailers and rovers on the edge between flat armor blocks and the existing 2x1x1 slopes and ramps. It is also quite possible to overload rovers to such a degree that they cannot drive up a 2x1x1 ramp or struggle at the edges of such a ramp. This is especially frustrating in a mine or tunnel. 4x1x1 (among other sizes) do exist in mods but could be improved and done in vanilla for general enjoyment

What I would suggest adding is a set of 4x1x1 blocks modelled on the current 2x1x1 slope (base and tip), 2x1x1 corner (base and top) and 2x1x1 inverted corner (base and top) but stretched to double their (current) lengths. This would create a block set that would mesh with current blocks and especially with the various half and half slope blocks introduced in Wasteland. Leaving the stretched blocks as single blocks removes any 'quarter block edge' issues that could otherwise crop up.

Whether the corner and inverted corner blocks should only be done as 4x1x1 or should also be done as 4x2x1, that is stretched in two directions, is something I won't comment on except to say that 4x2x1 blocks should mesh with current 2x1x1 slopes.

While I only go into the use of a 4x1x1 slope set for use as ramps, people will undoubtedly find use for them in other roles such as roofs or streamlining.

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