At shipyard stations, ships shouldn't just appear from nowhere

Balloonie-cat Inflated shared this feedback 5 years ago

Pretty much what it says on the tin. I get that you can't really "print" a ship for a player, because welders hog up resources and tank sim speed, but ship-yard stations could at least have a large, closed off area that opens to reveal the ship after it has spawned in. Bonus points if you throw in some flickering lights and welding sounds to imply the ship is being constructed in there.

Nor is this the only workaround:

  • The simplest answer is to spawn the ship somewhere else and have it fly to the station
  • There's a mod that messes with the ship's transparency for "cloaking" - perhaps this same trick could be combined with some simple particle beams to fade the ship into visibility and at least suggest it is being constructed for you
  • If the station is not in a gravity well, the ship could appear from hyperspace. If it is a small ship or has no jump drive, simply have it "delivered" by a drone that is basically all jump drive

Or just create a ship printer for realz - there was a fabulous ship-printing station on the workshop and it never seemed to tank performance when in operation, though it could only print small-grid ships.



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