Asteroid Fields (Space Master Bugged)

Frederic L shared this feedback 6 years ago

First of all good job with the upcomming update...thats the right direction, this game should take

I also appreciate, that the asteroids are now clustered in fields. But there are still to much.

There is still an Infinite Field. Maybe we could have the option for extreme low amount of Astroidsfields scatterd around a wider space.

I tried to spawn some with Space Master. But they only contain Ice and Nickel (procedural generation currently broke?). It didn't matter wich seed i used.

Maybe we could get some more options in Space Master like:

-choosing if only one ore a hole field + choosing the amount of asteroids

-amount of ore

I like that we now can set the box to 2000m but non of the spawned asteroid really got that large.

they only use a 1/4 or max 1/3 of the box

Thanks for reading this and keep on the good work

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