Alternate Signals Modes
Currently the (default H) Signal Modes key toggles between several display modes that are not all useful.
'Fully Visible' is redundant as you can press (default Alt) to force this mode at any time.
'No Names' is identical to Normal over most of the screen, but does not respect GPS' Always On state. If you really need to clear the screen you can use 'Switched Off'.
Here I propose some new modes that would be more useful:
GPS Coordinates Only
Displays GPS coordinates. No antennas or ore signals.
Signals Only
Displays beacon, antenna and suit signals, but no GPS coordinates.
Displays only faction beacons antennas and suit signals.
Fades out signals (including icon and distance) between 5km and 50km, except for Always On coordinates.
Fades signals approaching the edge of the screen.
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