All Linux Users Hail Lord Clang

Gallomimia shared this feedback 4 years ago

So it seems that someone has finally done some amazing work to get a bit of a manual together for making Space Engineers actually playable on Linux!

That's pretty great and all, but both because the good folks at Valve have spoiled me by providing proton and proton tricks, letting me forget all about wine and winetricks, and because my experience with wine tricks has usually resulted in forgetting or malforming a prefix and screwing up a great many things, I hesitate to attempt much of what is described in these instructions.

So my suggestions is this: Do contact the previously mentioned good folks at Valve and see if they can work their magic to include some of this stuff in the actual steam and proton software, with the final goal and result being that we can just click the big green PLAY button and it works.

And hopefully someone, somewhere, can post a wee bit about how they've started working on this and it will be ready soon. You know how gamers can get a mite impatient...

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