additionel 1x2 Window Slopes

BlacK|HaraZ shared this feedback 4 years ago

Hey support team,

at first, I love the new slope blocks. I missed them since you added the halfslopes and I'm very happy that you were working in that direction. =) Good job.

I've now built my new Station on Pertam and I had to find out that I'm missing windows in the way like the new "Sloped Corner Tip" and their three friends to build a nice dome (or quarter dome) airtight out of Windows. (example at picture)

Don't know if you've already thought in that direction, but I wanted to suggest it. Would be nice if you can add it sometimes if your develloper and moddeler find some time to do that. =)



(The blocks I mentioned would be used at the corner in top of the windows at the brighter blocks)


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