Add weather to planets please

David Robert Clark shared this feedback 5 years ago

whenever i go to a planet i feel like its all just the same. i suggest that in the next major update you should add weather systems to space engineers so theirs more atmosphere and realism, if you did that then there would be more than just flying across a desert looking for cobalt. lets say if mars had sand storms, then it would have a better sense of hostility especial since the official servers dont use the pirate AI, how about the wind turbines, they spin all day everyday but you cant even see a spec of wind, on earth i feel that every place a go reminds me of a desert maybe if there was a rain cycle were more clouds showed and rain fell then it would add something for players like myself to stop and look at, you dont even have to change up the ice lakes into water altho i do think that it would be kinda cool to make ice lakes less solid ice. what if the alien planet wich is weird all ready had toxic storms or magnetic lightning storms then people would go there even tho the gravity is unbearable. titan should have a sense of methane rain and the clouds should be thicker. Europa is just a rock, nothing spacial and the moon is fine to me as long as the sun is in the right spot. i just think that each planet should have some special characteristics so that they are more fun to explore. even if its not weather the planets could use some cliffs or heavy forestation. the game is supposed to have a exploration aspect am i right. any way thats just a suggestion, and keep making great updates for us to explore

ps: I didnt feel like wrighting another page so ima just say that when i dock a ship i would love it if when i turn off the ship it dosent turn off the whole station using the "Y" button should just turn off the grid your connected to not the multi grid

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